18.11.2015 (Hijri 05.02.1437)

All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) strongly condemns the inhumane attacks on innocent civilians in Lebanon and Paris

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) vehemently condemns the recent inhumane attacks on the innocent civilians in Lebanon and Paris.

Violent activities against the innocent civilians contradicts the Principles of Quran and the traditions of our Prophet (Peace be upon him). There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. The Holy Quran, states: “Whoever kills a person, it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind” (Quran, 5:32). Moreover, The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) has said “Allah shows kindness towards those who are kind to one another. Be kind to those who live on this earth, the one above the skies will be kind to you” (Tirmidhi).

Islam has given so much importance to human beings that it regards the killing of a single person is like killing the entire humanity. Its teaching of peace encompasses all humanity. Islam has taught its followers to treat all mankind with mercy, tolerance and justice. Islam sternly condemns all kinds of oppression, violence and terrorism. It has regarded oppression, mischief and murdering among severest sins and crimes.

Therefore, ACJU strongly condemns this crime and extends its condolences to those deprived by this tragedy on behalf of the Sri Lankan Muslim community. Moreover, ACJU kindly requests the Muslims to pray Allah, the Almighty, to eliminate such inhumane, extremist missions.


Ash-Shaikh (Mufthi) M.I.M Rizwe                                

President – All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama